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Nov 5, 2011

Emails Emails..... What have you done?

You receive an email claiming to be from the administrator of hotmail, asking you for your password to ensure that your email will not be suspended, as their servers are full and they need to ensure that you are an active user. 

Another email is from your Bank and asking you to visit the link in the email to verify your username/password.

Another is like the above picture, a very extremely joyful Happy New Year email with a seemingly innocent link which you have to press. 

I can go on for ever now with examples of malicious emails, and I will definitely be detailing many more as I go along. My aim today is to BEG you NOT to believe whatever you read. PAAALLLLEEEAASSE!

Nowadays hackers are so lazy that they want everything given to them. They utilize the hotmail example to ask you for your username/password. I know how many people fall for that... Its more than a handful! 

The bank example is pretty advanced, and the best way to deal with it is never to believe the email, but directly type in the address of your online banking without pressing any link. That's because the bad guys can imitate your bank's site and get your access.... I don't think anyone wants THAT....

The final example shows the latest ways of getting viruses and malware into your pcs for future use... What it does is that it gives you a link to access, and probably even a Happy New Year card... In the background, a program is being installed. Whenever you access ANY link, do NOT, I repeat do NOT run/save any file that you are not expecting. If it is a virtual card, it will load in your browser, no extra files required.

Finally, if you feel its fishy (yucky!), just stay away from it... Trust me; its best for you.


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