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Nov 20, 2011

Worst Passwords...Ever!

Inspired by the #worstpassword trend on twitter, this post will continue to focus on the very bad passwords that you or anyone you know should not even think of using for any account, unless you want it to be compromised.

 In a study conducted by SplashData to analyze the worst possible passwords out there, the following were the top worst 25:

1. password
2. 123456
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. abc123
6. monkey
7. 1234567
8. letmein
9. trustno1
10. dragon
11. baseball
12. 111111
13. iloveyou
14. master
15. sunshine
16. ashley
17. bailey
18. passw0rd
19. shadow
20. 123123
21. 654321
22. superman
23. qazwsx
24. michael
25. football

How many of you use any of these passwords?

What about passwords such as:
1. Date of birth
2. City of Birth
3. Child's Name
4. Maiden Name
5. School's Name
6. Username
7. Your name

Pls do yourself a favor and if you use any of these passwords, change them now....

For more guidelines about the best practices for passwords, visit my post


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